CREW believes in the importance of a working partnership between parents and your child’s school educational team. As a parent, I understand that your number one priority is your child’s well-being. I also know how overwhelming it can be to sit in parent-teacher conferences or IEP meetings. It is important that you feel comfortable communicating with your child’s teachers and that you have a working understanding of how your child is being supported at school. Let me be your GPS as you navigate the school experience to make sure your child’s needs are being met.
As a former special education teacher, I have conducted hundreds of IEP meetings and understand the paperwork and your child’s rights to an education that supports their unique needs. As a parent, I have participated in 504 meetings and have felt all the emotions as we navigated a new diagnosis and advocated for my child. I bring both of those perspectives to the table when I advocate for my students.
Whether you are working through general education supports or if your child has an Individual Education Plan through Special Education, I can help guide you through the process. It is my passion to help parents feel prepared for productive and collaborative meetings with their child’s school. My goal is to empower you with knowledge and confidence to be the voice your child deserves.
CREW’s consultation services include:
- Discussing the range of school supports from general education supports to 504 plans to Special Education services as it pertains to your child’s individual needs.
- Collaboration with parents for home reinforcement systems and routines to manage difficult behaviors and coach on appropriate replacement behaviors in the home.
- Creating individual behavior plans and social stories to reinforce the generalization of expected behaviors across home, CREW, and school settings.
- Consultation about specific educational diagnoses to help families navigate a new diagnosis such as Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD, Emotional Disturbance, or Specific Learning Disabilities.
- Reviewing your child’s Special Education Individual Education Plan (IEP) to ensure appropriate goals, accommodations, and schedule of services have been recommended.
To learn more about the educational consultation program at CREW, email